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4 Habits to Maintain Weight without starving yourself

By June 3, 2024June 9th, 2024Health & Fitness3 min read

4 Habits to Maintain Weight without Starving yourself

“Where is your student id?” the new security guard at an Engineering college, whose interior we were doing, asked me at the gate. I was 36 years old then.
I took it as a compliment.

“How have you managed to maintain the same weight for 25 years?”

I get this question often. Since college (year 2000), I have always been under 59 kgs.
No starving diets, forced running; just habits.
Here’s what I’ve been doing consistently:


– 🍽️ Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, Dinner Like a Pauper: This age-old saying holds true. I have a hearty breakfast, a moderate lunch and light dinner by around 7:30 PM.
-🍎 Fruits and Dry Fruits: I consume 5-7 servings of fruits daily, along with 4-5 portions of dry fruits. These natural snacks provide essential nutrients and keep me satisfied.
– 🍬Reduced Sugar Intake: I’ve gradually cut down on sugar, and now I find myself disliking overly sweetened foods. It’s amazing how our taste preferences adapt!
– 👨🏼‍🍳Homemade Food: Whenever I travel, I carry my own fruits and a homemade tiffin. There’s nothing like a home-cooked meal, thanks to the love and care that goes into it. Sometimes, I go overboard and carry my tiffin to events, much to the amusement of my friends.


– 🏋️ Play and Stay Active: Regular physical activity is crucial. I play sports whenever I can—it not only keeps me fit but also refreshes my mind. When I can’t play, I do simple exercises at home, like yoga, squats, and push-ups.
– 🚴 Active Lifestyle: I avoid elevators and opt for stairs. And I walk or cycle for short errands. Being part of my lifestyle, I don’t have to make time for these physical activities.

SPORTS KEEPS YOU YOUNG – mentally and physically. Just observe those who play sports and you’ll generally find that they look younger than their age and have more energy.


– 💊 Whenever I fall ill, I give myself time to heal naturally by resting a lot. No medicines whenever possible.


– 📝 Clearing My Mind: Before bed, I jot down tasks for the next day. This simple practice frees my mind from stress and ensures a restful sleep.
– 😴 The Ultimate Rejuvenator: A good night’s sleep is my secret weapon. When I hit the bed, usually by 11pm, I fall asleep quickly, and there’s nothing like waking up refreshed.

Thanks to our family culture, my priority has always been to maintain my most valuable asset – my mind and body. The habits are a reflection of these priorities.
A big thank you to all my family and friends!

For those who would are finding forming habits a bit difficult, read Atomic Habits by James Clear for some great tips.

#maintainweight #loseweight #healthyhabits #sports #eating #nomedicine
#goodsleep #habits

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