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This blog is where I share the lessons I’ve learned as Director of 2 firms that are opposites in terms of almost everything – Sales, Client ticket size, Operations etc. I share the processes I’ve honed and the systems I am building.

Here, you’ll find posts on Productivity, Processes, Systems, Frameworks and Health & Fitness.

But this blog isn’t a one-way street. I believe in the power of shared knowledge. Feel free to leave comments, ask questions and share your own experiences. Together, let’s build a community that fosters growth and success!

If you find value, please do subscribe to the newsletter below and follow me on Linkedin.

My Posts


3 questions to empower your team and ignite success

3 Questions to Empower your Team & Ignite Success

Key takeaways from a TEDx video by Scott Geller on how to empower your team and make them self-motivated to achieve success.
July 22, 20242 min Read More
4 types of wealth-habits to grow them
BusinessHealth & Fitness

4 Types of Wealth & How to Grow Them

Wealth isn’t just about money—it’s about holistic abundance. Keep growing in all dimensions!
July 4, 20242 min Read More
Stop the Blame Game

Stop the Blame Game-Focus on learning instead

The blame game wastes time & energy, creates animosity & does not help in preventing the same problem from recurring. Instead "Imagine what you could…
June 24, 20241 min Read More

Are we solving the ACTUAL problem?

The problem presented to you is not always the ACTUAL problem. Follow this 4-step framework to reveal the root cause so that you actually solve the…
June 16, 20243 min Read More
Maintain weight easily
Health & Fitness

4 Habits to Maintain Weight without starving yourself

These 4 habits will ensure that you have the energy to focus on growing your business and enjoying your life
June 3, 20243 min Read More

My Posts


3 questions to empower your team and ignite success

3 Questions to Empower your Team & Ignite Success

Key takeaways from a TEDx video by Scott Geller on how to empower your team and make them self-motivated to achieve success.
July 22, 20242 min Read More
4 types of wealth-habits to grow them
BusinessHealth & Fitness

4 Types of Wealth & How to Grow Them

Wealth isn’t just about money—it’s about holistic abundance. Keep growing in all dimensions!
July 4, 20242 min Read More
Stop the Blame Game

Stop the Blame Game-Focus on learning instead

The blame game wastes time & energy, creates animosity & does not help in preventing the same problem from recurring. Instead "Imagine what you could…
June 24, 20241 min Read More

Are we solving the ACTUAL problem?

The problem presented to you is not always the ACTUAL problem. Follow this 4-step framework to reveal the root cause so that you actually solve the…
June 16, 20243 min Read More
Maintain weight easily
Health & Fitness

4 Habits to Maintain Weight without starving yourself

These 4 habits will ensure that you have the energy to focus on growing your business and enjoying your life
June 3, 20243 min Read More

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