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Stop the Blame Game-Focus on learning instead

By June 24, 2024Business1 min read

Stop the Blame Game

Listen, introspect and learn.

Recently, my development and testing teams were pointing fingers at each other after a bug was found in production. They were focused on proving how the other team was at fault instead of listening to each other, introspecting, learning and improving.

To refocus the conversation, I shared this quote I had come across on the internet.

“Imagine what you could ACCOMPLISH if you were not always focused on being RIGHT.”

The blame game wastes time and energy, creates animosity and does not help in preventing the same problem from recurring.

Instead, let’s focus on learning collectively from our mistakes and working together to prevent them in the future by improving the processes.

What are your tips for fostering a collaborative problem-solving environment? Share them in the comments!

#Leadership #Teamwork #GrowthMindset #ContinuousImprovement #LearningFromMistakes #BlameGame

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