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7 Strategies to Be more Productive

By May 20, 2024June 9th, 2024Business2 min read

Be more Productive

Top 7 Strategies

1. First things first 📝

At the end of the day, I write down my top 3-4 priorities for tomorrow – PILLAR tasks.

  • Urgent & Important – DO
  • Not Urgent and Important – PLAN
  • Urgent and not Important – DELEGATE
  • Not Urgent and not Important – DELETE

2. Eat the Frog 🐸

I do my most important tasks first thing in the morning. Feel more relaxed throughout the day.

3. Done is better than perfect ✔️

Learnt the hard way that it is better to ship something that is good enough than to ship nothing.

4. 2-minute rule ⏲️

If a task takes less than 2 minutes, do it immediately. It reduces the mental load of remembering tasks.

5. Sharpen the Saw 🪚

Allocate time for learning and self-improvement. The more you learn, the easier it becomes to accomplish things, making you more confident.

6. Journaling 📖

I spend 10 minutes at the end of the day reflecting on what I’ve accomplished and what could be improved.

7. Physical exercise 🏃

I play/workout 4 times a week. It keeps me in a good mood and boosts my energy levels. For me, it is a form of meditation that makes me forget everything else!

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