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4 Types of Wealth & How to Grow Them

By July 4, 2024Business, Health & Fitness2 min read

4 Types of Wealth & How to Grow Them

Top 12 Habits I am relying on

There are 4 types of wealth
1. Financial
2. Physical
3. Time (Freedom)
4. Social

Until my 20s, I had time and physical wealth.
At 30, my financial and social wealth had grown at the expense of time and physical wealth.

Now that I am 40 and having realized that we need all to have a quality life, I am working again on increasing my physical and time wealth.

Here’s a list of habits I am relying on to grow my wealth 🚀

1. SAVE & INVEST: Regularly set aside a portion of your income for savings and investments. Compound interest works wonders over time!

2. DIVERSIFY: Spread your investments across different asset classes (stocks, real estate etc.) to reduce risk.

3. KEEP LEARNING: Stay curious! Continuous learning enhances your skills and opens new opportunities.

4. PRIORITIZE SLEEP: Quality sleep directly impacts your productivity and overall health.

5. EAT WELL: Nourish your body with wholesome food. It fuels your energy and mental clarity.

6. PLAY A SPORT: Physical activity keeps you fit and sharpens your mind.

7. SAY NO: Learn to decline commitments that don’t align with your priorities.

8. AUTOMATE & DELEGATE: Use technology and delegate tasks to free up your time.

9. PRIORITIZE & PLAN: Set clear goals and create a roadmap to achieve them.

10. GIVE: Generosity creates abundance. Give back to your community or causes you care about.

11. EXPAND YOUR NETWORK: Connect with diverse people. You never know where opportunities may arise.

12. BE A LEADER: Lead by example, inspire others and contribute positively to your environment.

I keep reminding myself that wealth isn’t just about money—it’s about holistic abundance. Keep growing in all dimensions! 💪

P.S. I am yet to master habit # 7 and 9.

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